Why should you read this blog?

You probably shouldn't. Have a read, if you like it - carry on. If you don't, hasta la vista baby.

We don't have many principles, but the few that we do have, we like to stick by.

We won't be over complicating anything. We believe in being honest and helpful. Everything we produce will be things that we wish someone had told us.

No voodoo - we are scientists by background and proud rationalists. We are free speech absolutists - so if you're easily offended - this isn't the channel for you.

We don't want to humble brag, we've always had food in our bellies, a roof over our heads and loving families - and we count ourselves very lucky, but we've never enjoyed the silver spoon. As we've grown older and our circles become wider, we've realised that there are hacks, shortcuts and models which you can use to live better, quicker. Honesty is not always the best policy and relentless hard-work is an outdated mechanism for becoming being successful.

 How this blog might save your life

We experience our lives in our Mind, through our Body and with our Heart. These are the only tools that we have to make and experience a better life. Through stories, anecdotes, observations and sometimes science we'll share everything that we know about how to live better through these 3 key vessels. We'll also occasionally review cool things that we've bought and experienced that might make your day 1% better.

  • Mind.

    Earn more, learn more, excel your career and become a productivity guru!

    • Land a top graduate job and get promoted quickly

    • Make better decisions through hacks, mental models and principles

    • Build productivity into your life without being one of those nutcases that wakes up at 5am

  • Body.

    How we can make the most of our flesh and bones without indulging in any bro-science

    • How to train better using simple exercises. Never need a personal trainer.

    • How to eat better - without any bullshit about Quinoa, Kale or superfoods.

    • Get a sexy body and look great in t-shirts. Or an average body and still look great in t-shirts

  • Heart.

    Because life and experiences are richer and more interesting when we share.

    • Why having a dog will change your life?

    • How we can use science to master our relationships?

    • How to master the dating scene?